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Gucci Guilty “Guilt” December 15, 2011

Posted by lillylikes in Perfumes.

Scroll down for English version

Stiu ca am o gramada de parfumuri. Stiu ca trebuie sa le consum in maxim 12 luni pe toate. Stiu ca e imposibil. Stiu ca fostele mele colege, prietene sau neamuri se vor bucura sa ma duc acasa de Craciun pentru ca vor primi cate un parfum. Sau ma rog, o sa si-l aleaga singure. Deci fetelor, primele venite la colindat primele servite :).

Dar venind de la Oslo saptamana trecuta nu am putut trece de raionul de parfumuri fara sa cumpar inca unul. Stiu ca sunt groaznica. A fost atat de greu sa decid pe care sa il iau cu mine acasa de data asta. Am oscilat intre apa de parfum Guilty de la Gucci si apa de parfum de la Pacco Rabbane Million Lady.

Dupa 10 minute de umblat prin magazin mi-a placut mai mult mirosul de pe testerul cu Guilty asa ca de data asta el a fost “the one“. Sa stiti ca oricum ma simt vinovata ca l-am cumparat, dar nu am avut de ales. Daca aveti ocazia sa il mirositi o sa vedeti de ce. Acum ma gandesc ca vina pentru ca l-am cumparat nu e atat de mare… In fond, am cumparat sticla mai mica de 50ml 🙂 si sa stiti, ca si fapt divers, ca au si la 100ml :). Deci, vina pentru Guilty Gucci putea fi muuuulllltttt mai mare….

English version

I know that I have a lot of perfumes. I know I have to use them in maximum 12 months. I know it will be impossible. I know that my old coleagues, friends and relatives will be so happy that I am going home for Christmas because they will get one perfume. Well, they will pick one up. So girls, first comed, first served :).

But, coming back home from Oslo last week, I could not pass by the perfumes store without buying one. I know I am terrible. It was so difficult to choose this time. I was oscillating between Eau de Perfume Guilty from Gucci and Eau de Perfume from Pacco Rabbane Million Lady.

After another 10 minutes spent in the shop, I liked more the smell from the Guilty tester. So, it means that this was “the one” this time. You should know that I feel so guilty that I bought it but believe me I had no choice. If you will have the chance to smell it you will know why. Well now, if I think twice maybe the guilt is not that big…. After all, I bought the smaller bottle of 50ml 🙂 and for your info they also sell bottles of 100ml :). So, my Gucci Guilty Guilt cooooullllld beeeee sooooo much bigger….


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