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Anastasia Soare October 31, 2011

Posted by lillylikes in Eyes.

Scroll down for English version

Cred ca orice roman a auzit povestea incredibila de viata a Anastasiei Soare, poate mai putin norvegienii, supranumita regina sprancenelor de la Hollywood, care pornind de la zero a creat o adevarata afacere de succes si un adevarat imperiu financiar. Pe scurt viata ei suna cam asa: Anastasia provine dintr-o familie de croitori romani originari din Constanta, tatal ei a murit pe cand ea avea 12 ani, si-a ajutat mama in atelierul de croitorie, s-a casatorit pe cand avea 20 de ani cu un comandant de vapor, la 21 devine mamica nascand o fetita. A studiat arhitectura, a urmat cursurile unei scoli de cosmetica, iar la 30 de ani au emigrat cu totii in America, la Los Angeles. Ajunsa in Los Angeles, fara sa stie limba deloc, a urmat cateva saptamani cursurile de limba engleza, dar a renuntat pentru ca aveau nevoie de bani. A inceput sa lucreze la diferite saloane de cosmetica din Beverly Hills, iar mai apoi in 1997 si-a deschis propriul ei salon, “Anastasia Beverly Hills”, intr-o locatie inchiriata din Beverly Hills.

As putea spune ca de-a lungul vietii ei, de voie de nevoie, Anastasia a fost in contact cu proportiile, liniile si geometria coprului uman, incepand de micuta, pe cand lucra cu mama ei la croitorie. Mai tarziu, studiind arta si arhitectura, Anstastia si-a aprofundat aceste cunostiinte venind in contact cu desenele lui Leonardo da Vinci, cu sirul lui Fibonaci, cu regulile proportiilor ale lui Vitruvius sau cu raportul de aur. Toate aceste cunostiinte fundamentale le-a aplicat, mai tarziu, si in cosmetica unde a reusit sa-si dezvolte propria ei tehnica pentru aranjarea sprancenelor. Astfel, Anstasia Soare a devenit primul expert recunoscut in toata zona Los Angeles-ului si mai apoi in toata lumea.

Chiar daca teoria suna mai greu, in practica tehnica ei se dovedeste a fi simpla, usor de invatat, universal valabila si, cel mai important, ca este disponibila tuturor, astfel incat in functie de conformatia oaselor si a muschilor fetei se obtine arcuirea perfecta a sprancenelor. Tehnica ei de pensare este descrisa in foarte multe filmulete de insasi Anastasia, iar daca le urmariti cu atentie este imposibil sa nu reusiti sa invatati aceasta tehnica simpla, usoara si rapida. Pentru inceput urmariti aici, aici, aici, aici sau aici.

Anastasia a devenit peste noapte favorita vedetelor de la Hollywood atat femei cat si barbati: Jennifer Lopez, Renee Zellweger, Madonna, Sharon Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Penelope Cruz, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lara Flynn Boyle, Reese Witherspoon, Elle McPherson, Julianna Margulies, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Brooke Shields, Naomi Campbell, Ryan Seacrest, David Beckham, etc., unele dintre ele declarand ca “nimeni niciodata nu se vor mai atiunge de sprancenele lor in afara de Anastasia” :).

In prezent, Anastasia are propria ei linie de ustensile si produse destinate formarii si intretinerii sprancenelor, iar de curand si-a lansat si alte produse destinate ingrijirii tenului, fetei, buzelor, ochilor. Toate produsele ei sunt de calitate exceptionala, fiind sub stricta supraveghere a Anastasiei pana ajung pe piata. Produsele sunt comercializate in magazinele Sephora si Nordmen din America si in alte tari din lume, iar in Romania se pot comanda on line pe site-ul ei romanesc. Anastasia are in prezent 2 saloane, cel deja faimos din Beverly Hills si inca unul in Los Angeles, iar lista preturilor pentru fiecare salon o gasiti aici. Anastasia si-a deschis recent un salon si in Romania, la Bucuresti pe Calea Victoriei in incinta hotelului Radisson. Adresa, serviciile si lista de preturi o gasiti aici.

Eu mi-am cumparat, exact acum un an, trusa Anastasia Beverly Hills Essential Brow Kit de la un magazin Sephora din Las Vegas (o vedeti in poze) la un pret de 70-90 dolari.. nu mai tin minte exact. Trusa mea din pacate nu o mai gasesc pe site, dar seamana cu trusa “5-element brow kit” doar ca are cateva produse in plus (dau link-urile lor de pe site-ul in limba engleza, dar le gasiti si pe site-ul romanesc cu exact aceleasi denumiri):

– sabloane Brow Stencils: sunt confectionate dintr-o folie de plastic flexibila, moale, dar totusi rezistenta, pe care sunt decupate 5 forme diferite de sprancene: Petite Arch, Slim High Arch, Medium Arch, High Arch si Full Arch. Sabloanele sunt potrivite diferitelor tipuri de conformatii ale fetei si ale sprancenelor: structuri mici ale fetei; sprancene subtiri, inguste sau aflate in proces de crestere; sprancene usor arcuite; sprancene cu arcuire inalta sau pentru sprancene bogate. Sablonul potrivit se aplica pe spranceana, se umple cu pensula locul decupat (culoare inchisa-spranceana rara / culoarea deschisa spranceana deasa), se uniformizeaza cu varful spiralat al pensulei si tot ce nu este acoperit de culoare se penseaza cu penseta;– pudra Brow Powder Duo: este disponibila si ea in mai multe nunate. Trebuie sa alegeti nuanta de culoare care se potriveste culorii voastre de par naturala. Pudra are o cutiuta metalica foarte frumoasa si eleganta, iar inauntru are doua nuante de culoare (una mai inchisa si una mai deschisa) pentru a conferi naturalete sprancenelor. Culorile se aplica cu pensula astfel: culoarea mai inchisa se aplica in zona unde sprancenele sunt mai rare, iar culoarea mai deschisa se aplica unde sprancenele sunt mai dese, iar la final se uniformizeaza cu capatul celalalt al pensulei (cel spiralat);– pensula Mini Duo Brush #7: are doua varfuri diferite ca si forma si utilizare: unul este taiat oblic si este folosit pentru a umple sablonul cu culoare si celalat este un varf spiralat folosit pentru uniformizarea culorii sau pentru aranjarea firelor de par inainte de a fi taiate.

– penseta Precision Tweezers: este cu adevarat o penseta profesionista, este facuta din inox de foarte buna calitate, are varfurile subtiri si taiate oblic, este fabricata si calibrata la un mic atelier din Italia. Daca ii atingi varfurile si o lasi sa vibreze parca este un diapazon ceea ce demonstreaza inoxul deosebit de bun care e folosit la fabricarea ei. Am mai multe pensete acasa, dar nici una nu se compara cu cea de la Anastasia care poate smulge si cele mai fine si mici fire de par fara a distruge pielea si fara sa te doara :);– creion mat pentru luminozitate Matte Highlighter: este un creion mai gros, foarte cremos cu o nuanta naturala mata care se potriveste tuturor tipurilor de piele si ten. Creionul se aplica sub sprancene si se uniformizeaza cu degetele pentru a obtine o luminozitate a ochilor. Este disponibil in mai multe nuante si se poate folosi si pentru a acoperi rujul de buze pentru o acoperire mai indelungata… Inca nu l-am incercat si pentru buze, dar e bine de stiut :);– iluminatorul cu efect de racorire Cooling Eye Brightener: se aplica deasupra si dedesuptul sprancenelor de unde au fost indepartate firele de par prin pensare sau prin epilare oferind un efect de calmare, catifelare, hidratare si racorire datorita extractelor de cafeina, ceai alb si infuziei Balkan Botanical. Adevarul e ca efectul de racorire se simte primul si iti amelioreaza durerea de dupa pensare si zonele rosii :);– gelul de sprâncene Clear Brow Gel: seamana cu un tub de rimel, doar ca inauntru este un gel incolor continand diferite uleiuri esentiale si naturale. Gelul se aplica fie pe sprancenele colorate deja cu pudra, fie pe sprancenele naturale si ajuta sprancenele sa isi mentina forma pe durata intregii zile fara a le incarca sau a lipi firele de par unele de altele. Dupa aplicare, uniformizati gelul cu partea spiralata a pensulei.– mini rimel pentru ochi Lash Lifting Mascara: cred ca a fost pus in trusa ca o reclama la produsul in varianta mai mare disponibila pe site spre comercializare. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu l-am folosit asa ca imi este greu sa imi dau cu parerea despre el aici si acum. Ma gandesc sa cumpar unul proaspat, sa il folosesc si sa scriu un review despre el mai tarziu.– mini CD cu sfaturi si instructiunile de folosire: din pozele mele lipseste, cred ca l-am uitat pe la serviciu pe undeva, dar il vedeti in poza cu “5-element brow kit”, este exact la fel. Contine filmuletul de prezentare a metodei de pensare si a produselor din trusa cum sa le folosesti.

Concluzii: Povestea Anastasiei este un exemplu pentru noi toti, este ca si povestea Cenuseresei, din absolut nimic ajungi sa construiesti un castel, un imperiu, un exemplu extraordinar de viata pentru noi toti restul. Iar concluzia finala a povestii ei poate fi: in viata niciodata, dar absolut niciodata sa nu te dai batut!

Metoda conceputa de Anastasia Soare pentru a modela sprancenele este o forma unica si moderna de arta. Metoda ei are la baza teorii, formule si elemente de geometrie fundamentale. Ceea ce imi da si mie o speranta mica, mititica: poate ca, pana la urma, frumusetea se poate invata… Trebuie doar sa ai un instructor bun si instrumentele cele mai bune. Asa ca, macar in privinta sprancenelor sunt asigurata: Am cea mai buna metoda si cele mai bune instrumente... mai urmeaza practica :)!!!!

Produsele si trusa pe care le am eu de la Anastasia sunt de 5 flori de crin fara nici o urma de indoiala si sunt tare mandra de ea. Toate produsele demonstreaza dragostea si atentia pe care au primit-o incepand cu design-ul ambalajelor si pana la continutul final ajuns in magazine la vanzare. Sa nu mai spun de logo-ul Anastasia care arata senzational!P.S. Daca in trusa ar fi si aceasta forfecuta pentru a tunde sprancenele ar fi super-super. Informadu-ma acum mai mult despre produsele Anastasia am aflat ca pentru a tunde sprancenele este necesara o foarfeca cu marginile drepte, sa nu fie curbate ca si la forfecuta folosita la manichiura, pentru a obtine o taietura dreapta a firelor de par. Dar daca foarfeca asta ar fi in trusa atunci ce mi-ar aduce mie Mosu´anu´ asta :)?!

English version

I guess every Romanian heard the incredible life story of Anastasia Soare, perhaps not so much the Norwegians, who started from zero and created a truly successful business and a financial empire. In short, her life story is like this: Anastasia comes from a family of Romanian tailors originating from Constanta, her father died when she was 12 years old, she helped her mother in their tailor workshop, got married when she was 20 with a ship commander, became the mother of a girl at 21. She studied architecture, followed the courses of a cosmetics school, and  when she was 30 she emigrated with the whole family to the US, in Los Angeles. Having arrived there, without knowing the language at all, she followed English language courses, but gave up because they needed the money. She started working at different cosmetics salons from Beverly Hills, and then in 1997 opened her own salon, “Anastasia Beverly Hills”, at a rented location from Beverly Hills.

I could say that along her life, willing or not, Anastasia had always something to do with proportions, lines and the geometry of the human body, even when she was little and working with her mother at the tailor workshop. Later, studying art and architecture, Anastasia deepened this knowledge when coming into contact with the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, the Fibonacci array, with the Vitruvius proportions and the golden ratio. She later applied all this fundamental knowledge in cosmetics, where she was able to develop her own eyebrow technique. So, Anastasia Soare became the first renowned expert in the whole Los Angeles area, and then in the whole world.

Even though the theory sound harder, in practice her technique is quite simple, easy to learn and universally valid, and most importantly, it is available for everyone, so that, according to the face bone and muscle structure, a perfect arching of the eyebrows is obtained. Her technique is described in many small videos by Anastasia herself, and if you watch them closely it is impossible no to learn this easy, simple and fast technique. To begin with you can check this, this, this, this or this.

Anastasia became over night the the favourite of the Hollywood stars, both men and women: Jennifer Lopez, Renee Zellweger, Madonna, Sharon Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Penelope Cruz, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lara Flynn Boyle, Reese Witherspoon, Elle McPherson, Julianna Margulies, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Brooke Shields, Naomi Campbell, Ryan Seacrest, David Beckham, and so on, some of them declaring that “no one else would ever touch their eyebrows besides Anastasia” :).

Presently, Anastasia has her own line of utensils and products for forming and maintaining eyebrows, and she recently launched other products for face, body, eyes and lips care. All her products are of exceptional quality, being under the close watch of Anastasia until they arrive on the market. The products are commercialized in the Sephora and Nordmen shops from the US and in other countries, in Romania they can be ordered from the Romanian website. Anastasia presently has 2 salons, the famous one in Beverly Hills and a second one in Los Angeles, and the price list for each salon can be found here. Anastasia recently opened a salon in Romania, in Bucharest, on the Calea Victoriei, within the Radisson Hotel. The address, services and price list can be found here.

I bought my own kit, exactly one year ago, the Anastasia Beverly Hills Essential Brow Kit from a Sephora shop in Las Vegas (you can see it in the pictures) at a price about 70-90 dollars… I do not remember exactly. I cannot find my kit any more, unfortunately, but it looks very much like the “5-element brow kit”, this only has a few more products (I give the their links from the English website, but you can find them on the Romanian website with exactly the same names):

Brow Stencils: made out of a flexible plastic foil, soft but still resistant, on which there are cut out 5 different eyebrow shapes: Petite Arch, Slim High Arch, Medium Arch, High Arch and Full Arch. This patterns are suited for different face and eyebrow structures: small face structures; thin, narrow or during growth eyebrows; slightly arched eyebrow; high arch eyebrows or for full eyebrows. The right pattern is applied on the eyebrow, the marked area is filled with the brush (dark colour-more sparse eyebrows; light colour for full dense eyebrows), the spiral end of the brush is used to level the colour, and the areas that are not covered would be tweezed;

Brow Powder Duo: is also available in several shades. You must choose the shade of colour that best suits your natural hair colour. The powder is in a very nice and elegant metal box, and inside there are two shades of colour (one darker and one lighter) to give a natural look to the eyebrows. The colours are applied with the brush like this: the darker shade is applied where the eyebrows are more sparse, while the darker shade goes where the eyebrow are more dense, and in the end the colour us levelled with the other end of the brush (the spiral one);

Mini Duo Brush #7: it has two tips, different when it comes to shape and use: one is cut diagonally and it is used to fill the pattern with colour, while the other is a spiral used to level the colour or to brush the eyebrows before being groomed.

Precision Tweezers: it is truly a professional tweezers, made of stainless steel of high quality, it has thin tips and cut diagonally, it it made and calibrated at a small workshop in Italy. If you touch the tips and let them vibrate, it is like a tuning fork, which only shows the extremely high quality of the stainless steel. I have several different tweezers at home, but none of them compares to the one from Anastasia, which can pull even the finest hair without hurting the skin and causing discomfort :);

Matte Highlighter: it is a thicker crayon, very soft with a matte natural shade that suits all types of skin and complexion. The crayon is applied under the eyebrows and is levelled with the fingers in order to obtain a better eye lighting. It is available in several shades and can be used to cover the lipstick for a longer lasting effect… I have not tried it on the lips as well, but this is good to know :);

Cooling Eye Brightener: applies above and below the eyebrows where hair has been removed by tweezing or epilation giving a calming, smooth, hydrating and cooling effect due to the caffeine extracts, white tea and Balkan Botanical infusion. The truth is that the cooling effect is felt first and relieves the pain after tweezing and the red spots :);

Clear Brow Gel: looks more like a eyelash mascara, only that there is a colourless gel inside of different essential and natural oils. The gel applies either on the already powder coloured eyebrows, or on the natural eyebrows and helps them keep their shape during the day without overloading them or making the hair sticky. After it is applied, level the gel with the spiral end of the brush.

Lash Lifting Mascara: I guess it was added to the kit as an advertisement to the product in the larger size, available on the website. I have to admit that I have not used it, so it is difficult to form an opinion about it here and now. I am thinking to buy a fresh one, use it and then write a review about it.

– a mini CD with advices and instructions for use: it is missing from my pictures, I think I must have misplaced it somewhere at work, but you can see it in the picture of the “5-element brow kit”, it is exactly the same. It contains the film with the presentation of the method and the products in the kit, and how they can be used.

Conclusions: The story of Anastasia is an example for us all, it is like the story of Cinderella, starting from absolutely nothing and building a castle, an empire, an extraordinary life model for the rest of us. And the conclusion of her story is: in life you should never, absolutely never give up!

The method conceived by Anastasia Soare to remodel eyebrows is a unique and modern form of art. Her method is based on theories, formulas and fundamental elements of geometry. This gives me even little hope: perhaps, in the end, beauty can be learned…  You only need a good instructor and the best instruments. So that, at least when it comes to eyebrows, I am covered: I have the best method and the best instrument… what comes next is only practice :)!!!!

The products and kit that I have from Anastasia get 5 lilies without a doubt and I am very proud of them. All the products show the love and attention that they got, starting with the package design and all to way to the final content which gets to be sold. Not to talk about the Anastasia logo which is simply sensational!P.S. If the kit would contain also this pair of scissors for trimming brows it would have been super-super. Gathering information about the Anastasia products, I am learning that for trimming the eyebrows you need a pair of scissors with straight edges, not curved like the one for the manicure, in order to obtain a straight cut of the hair. But if the scissors would be in the kit, what would Santa bring me for Christmas this year :)?!


1. Bella - February 6, 2012

To tell you the truth , I believe Anastasia’s story is BS, a fabricated story. I found articles about her where they say she took a course in cosmetics but she wasn’t speaking English.Holly cow!!! How in the word can some one take a course in anything without understanding and speaking the language. Then in another article it was said that she paid $10,000 for a saloon in Beverley Hills. There a chair cost more than 10K. So another BS. I think someone helped her financially and got a chunk of it. That’s how things work in America.
Just my opinion

2. lillylikes - February 8, 2012

@ bella – Of course, Anastasia´s has a story that the press might really easily love 🙂 and most of her success is also due to the press. From what I know, Anastasia did her course in cosmetics in Romania, before she moved in USA. Once arrived there she just got her license and after that, with the help of some girlfriend, she got her first job in a beauty salon. I do not know how she got her license since indeed she said that she could barely talk English… maybe her technique was enough. I´ve seen people in USA which could not speak English at all but they had different jobs… Her first shop she opened it with some money send by her mother from Romania (maybe some properties that they had there, I am not sure). To be honest, when you start having clients as Cindy Crawford and other stars it will be easy to get a loan from any bank… Don´t forget that she is an architect which to me says a lot! For me she is a smart girl who was able to start from zero and developed a successful story, business and life…

3. Bella - June 19, 2012


in the USA a bank loan doesn’t work that way. Yes you ahe to have a good business at the time one applies for a loan, but at the same time and the most important part in getting a loan is something called “credit history”. (You might know this, I think you live in the USA). When somebody needs $2 mil. ..that’s a lot of money and no bank would loan that kind of money to so to speak “a starter”.
About her English, when you go for a cosmetics course you have theory and practice in curriculum, so I doubt it that she was able to understand and pass tests without knowing English. Yes there are many people who don’t speak English and have jobs here, but what kind of jobs do they have? Cleaners, dish washers and all kind of low paying jobs. When a saloon has good clients like VIP’s etc, they need people who speak English well.
So the bottom line here is that the media has created a super story and product named “Soare” to make some money off it. And speaking of her cosmetic products I am sure that there are more insides than we know or ever will know, like a big company actually investing and sell under her name. That’s how things work in this country. I’m sure that she is a smart girl though, but not always being smart make you a millionaire.

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