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parfumul meu numarul 1 / my number 1 perfume September 22, 2011

Posted by lillylikes in Perfumes.

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Stiu ca toata lumea are un parfum pe care il prefera mai multe decat pe oricare, nu conteaza cate ar avea sau cate ar incerca, in final tot la parfumul preferat te intorci.  Aceste parfumuri devin etichete pentru noi si lumea ne identifica si ne asociaza cu aroma parfumului preferat.

Eu, trebuie sa recunosc, cand vine vorba de parfumuri, dintre toate pe care le am doar pe unul l-as alege sa ma reprezinte sau sa fiu identificata cu el.  Acest parfum este un parfum puternic, exotic, oriental , unic si se numeste FENDI, parfumul pentru femei, produs de casa de moda italiana Fendi. Imi dau seama ca fiecare femeie are o a anumita marca preferata in materie de parfumuri, si gusturile nu se discuta, dar totusi cred ca fiecare femeie ar trebui sa incerce acest parfum… ori il urasti ori ajungi dependenta de el.

Casa de moda Fendi a fost pornita in 1918 de Adele Casagrande (casatorita mai tarziu cu Edoardo Fendi) iar primul parfum pentru femei a fost lansat in 1985 fiind creatia lui Christine Nagel. Fendi a devenit de-a lungul timpului un brand international care este foarte cunoscut pentru produsele de calitate cum ar fi genti, blanuri, haine de piele, ochelari de soare, fulare, parfumuri. Toate produsele lor sunt recunoscute ca fiind remarcabile, cu caracteristici unice si care dureaza foarte mult in timp. De atunci si pana in prezent multe alte nume celebre au fost asociate si au colaborat cu Fendi. Printre acestea se numara si Karl Lagerfeld care a inceput sa lucreze cu Fendi in 1965. El este cel creditat pentru faimosul logo „FF” care este folosit si azi. Incepand cu 2007 Fendi a fuzionat cu Prada si cu Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy.

Sa revenim la parfum, FENDI se incadreaza in categoria parfumurilor cu mireasma deosebita, lemnoasa, orientala si care contine diferite arome: piele, trandafir, lemn de santal, chihlimbar si mosc. Din pacate productia acestui parfum a fost intrerupta de catre producator, iar parfumurile ramase se gasesc cu greu, in general pe diferite site-uri on-line,  si la preturi destul de mari.

Primul contact cu FENDI l-am avut in Zurich in 2003 cand l-am gasit la un magazin mic de cosmetice, si era o sticla de 50ml de Apa de Parfum (EdP). Inca de pe atunci, de cand l-am mirosit prima data m-am indragostit de el. Cand il purtam, prietenul meu, rude, prieteni, colegi chiar si necunoscuti ma opreau si ma intrebau ce parfum folosesc si ma complimentau pentru el. Pentru mine a devenit eticheta, mirosea extraordinar de bine pe pielea mea, imi dadea o stare de spirit romantica, pot zice ca ma facea sa ma simt frumoasa, apreciata si senzuala… sa nu mai zic ca il innebunea pe prietenul meu… deci ce altceva mai puteam astepta de la un parfum.

Acum sunt la a doua sticla de parfum FENDI, apa de toaleta (EdT) primita cadou de la o prietena foarte buna de la Paris, care stia despre febletea mea :). Dupa cum se vede mai este putin in sticla si il folosesc foarte rar doar la ocazii speciale. Mai am inca o sticla in Romania pe care nu am inceput-o si pe care o pastrez la mare pret si ma gandesc sa o pastrez cat mai mult. Mai nou oriunde ma duc si pe la orice magazin de parfumuri si cosmetice ajung ma uit dupa acest parfum.

Stiu ca multa lume cand isi cumpara cate un parfum prefera sa isi cumpere Apa de Parfum (EdP) chiar daca e ceva mai scump decat acelasi parfum, dar in forma de Apa de Toaleta (EdT). Nu mi se pare ceva anormal pentru ca parfumul EdP persista mai mult, poate pana la de doua ori mai mult. Ce am observat eu la parfumul FENDI (EdT), pe care il folosesc acum, e ca daca folosesc parfumul dimineata mirosul se mentine pana dupa amiaza tarziu. Cand ma intorc acasa, sotul meu imi si spune in timp ce ma pupa “ce bine mirosi, iar te-ai dat cu FENDI azi”… si ma face sa ma simt extraordinar.

Am incercat multe alte parfumuri intre timp, dar nu i-am gasit pana acum inlocuitor. Ma gandesc cu tristete ca poate nu voi mai gasi de cumparat sticluta cu licoarea cea magica si galbuie… dar cu un miros irezistibil si greu de uitat. Si mai mult imi vor lipsi remarcile de genul “… a da stiu ca esti aici, ti-am simtit parfumul”… sau cand primeam cate o imbratisare de la prieteni imi spuneau “… imi era dor de tine si de parfumul tau…” Sper din suflet ca cei care detin acum licenta parfumului sa re-inceapa producerea lui si scoaterea pe piata la vanzare a acestui parfum deosebit, la preturi mai accesibile.

Asadar recomandarea mea este: Fetelor, daca vreti sa iesiti din anonimat, sa primiti complimente despre mirosul parfumului raspandit in jur, daca vreti sa va simtiti frumoase, sexy, romantice, dar in acelasi timp seducatoare si puternice, sau daca sunteti in cautarea unui nou parfum de calitate va recomand cu drag acest parfum minunat. Asa ca, daca gasiti pe undeva prin magazine ratacita o  sticla de FENDI, parfum pentru femei, sa nu stati pe ganduri – cumparati-l! Este un parfum deja classic care va scoate din anonimat! FENDI este de departe preferatul meu, numarul 1, si primeste ca si nota 5 flori frumoase de crin (lily)!

English version

I know that everybody has that one perfume which they always fancy more than any other, regardless of how many other perfumes one has or tried out. In the end you still return to your favourite perfume. These perfumes become like tags for us and the people around will identify us as associate with the aroma of our favourite perfume.

I must admit, that when it comes to perfumes, among all of my perfumes I would chose just one to represent or be identified with. This perfume is strong, exotic, oriental, unique and it is called, FENDI, perfume for women, produced by the italian fashion house Fendi. I realize that every women has a certain prefered brand when it comes to perfumes, and tastes are not to be discussed, but I wouls still say that every women should try this perfume… you will either hate it or become addicted by it.

The Fendi fashion house was started in 1918 by Adele Casagrande (married later to Edoardo Fendi), and the first perfume for women was launched in 1985 as the creation of Christine Nagel. Fendi became an international brand along the time, being renowned for quality products like purses, furs, leather jackets, sunglasses, scarves, perfumes. All of their products are renowned as beinf remarkable, with unique features and a lasting lifetime. From that time and until present times, several famous names were associated and have collaborated with Fendi. Among these one finds also Karl Lagerfeld, who began to work with Fendi in 1965. He was credited for the famous logo”FF” which is also used today. Fendi merged with Prada and Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy since 2007.

Coming back to the perfume, FENDI fits in the category of perfumes with a special fragrance, woody, oriental and with different aromas: leather, rose, sandalwood, amber and mosk. Unfortunately the production of this perfume was discontinued, and the remaining perfumes are hard to find, mostly on websites and at high prices.

My first contact with FENDI was in Zurich in 2003, when I found it at a small beauty shop, and it was a 50ml bottle of Eau de Perfume (EdP). Starting from then, when I first felt its fragrance I felt in love with it. When I was wearing it, my boyfriend, family, friends and colleagues, even strangers would stop me to ask what perfume I had on and received compliments. It became a tag for me, it smelled wonderfully on my skin, it gave me a romantic mood, I must say it made me feel beautiful, appreciated and sensual… not to say that it drove my boyfriend mad… so what else could I expect from a perfume.

Now I am at my second bottle of FENDI perfume, Eau de Toillete (EdT) received as a present from a good friend in Paris, who knew about my weakness 🙂 As it can be seen, there is not much left and I use it rarely now, only at very special occasions. I have another bottle in Romania which I have not opened yet and which I keep with care thinking to have it for as long as I can. Nowadays, I look for this perfume at every beauty or perfume shop I go to.

I know that a lot of people, when they set out to buy a perfume, prefer to buy Eau de Perfume (EdP) even if it is somewhat more expensive then the Eau de Toillete (EdT) version. I personally do not find it abnormal, because the EdP lasts longer, perhaps even two times longer. What I noticed at the FENDI perfume (EdT), which I use now, is that if I apply it in the morning the fragrance last until late in the afternoon. When I come home, my husband almost immediately tells me while giving me a kiss “oh, how good you smell, you put on the Fendi today, right?!”… and that makes me feel extraordinary.

I tried lots of other perfumes in the meanwhile, but I have not found a replacement for it yet. I think with sadness that I might not find another bottle of this gold, magic liquid… with its unforgettable and irresistible fragrance. And I will probably miss the remarks like “… yes, I knew you were here, I smelled your perfume”… or when I received a hug from friends saying “… I missed you and your perfume…” I do sincerely hope that those who own the license for the perfume now to start again the production of this special perfume, at reasonable prices.

So, my recommendation is: Girls, if you want to come out of the shadow of anonymity, to receive compliment about the fragrance you fill the air with, if you want to feel beautiful, sexy, romantic, but at the same time seductive and powerful, or if you are looking for a new quality perfume, I warmly recommend this wonderful perfume. So, if you find misplaced a bottle of FENDI, perfume for women, somewhere, in some shop do not hesitate and buy it! It is an already classic perfume which will get you out of anonymity! FENDI is by far my favourite, number one and receives as a mark, 5 beautiful lilies!


1. mel - November 1, 2011

Does anyone know why they discontinued this perfume? Please bring it back.

lillylikes - November 1, 2011

As far as I know is because the new owners, LVMH, were not satisfied with the sales: “encouraging, but didn’t meet expectations.” This is such a pity…. They should bring it back or sell the formula 🙂

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